Monday, January 31, 2011


North Central, the Chronicle needs your help! As the Forum editor, I've been witnessing student apathy for our school newspaper and it makes me INCREDIBLY sad. We went from last year having at least 13 regular writers to just having 2 or 3 on a weekly basis. Where's the passion NCC? Is this evidence that journalism is struggling?

Despite the fact that newspapers are struggling everywhere, at NCC I feel it's incredibly important having our voice heard on campus and the Chronicle is the perfect opportunity to do it. We shouldn't let it go to waste. We are the voice of this campus and we shouldn't forget that. We pay a crazy amount of money to go here and we should have a say in what goes on on our campus. The Chronicle is our tool for commentary on our college.

If you are interested in writing for the Chronicle we meet every Monday in Upper LAC.
Experience isn't needed! We like working with new writers.


  1. It is a relief that you said "experience isn't needed" I might be able to whip something up.

  2. Check it out next Monday! We always have at least 20 different story options depending on what you're interested in.

    We are looking for writers for News, Campus, Art and Entertainment, Sports and Forum. There is something for everyone!

  3. okay, just give me a time and I will check it out

  4. We meet at 6:30 every Monday! Sorry I thought I put the time up there!

  5. Do you think that having the Chronicle on mobile devices (like the iPhone/iPad) would bring it closer to students and decrease such apathy?

    Maybe merge the Chronicle with the Viewfinder:

    What I'm thinking... a merged Chronicle/Viewfinder with a mobile application could both stimulate new interest across the student spectrum (because mobile is 'hot' and it's where students are connected these days), and increase readership.

    Think of an NCC version of 'The Daily':

  6. We've been trying to become more available online. We hit so many roadblocks with administration and ITS while trying to just get a significant website up. It's a great idea to think about in the future!

    It was so aggravating last year when we were trying to get our website up and active and the school kept citing reasons why we couldn't have it up. I can't remember why they kept saying no though...


    This is my sections website so's a work in progress.

  8. I cannot make those meetings because of class, sorry. If there is another way that I could get information to write about, or maybe next term will be better since I have mondays and fridays off. If you need help with your website, I can always help with that.

  9. @Becky...I'm delighted the Chronicle is finally online. I wondered whether or not ITS and the administration had something to do with the delaying its arrival to the 21st century. I am currently on a task force that is looking at the future of the journalism curriculum (both print and broadcast) here at NCC and I will definitely raise the issue of better tech support for the paper in our discussions. Would you mind having a quick conversation with me about this at some point?

  10. Sure Professor! I would talk after class but I have to run to the stadium after your class for another. I would love to talk about the future of the Journalism curriculum at NCC. It's something that I'm extremely passionate about.

  11. And KeepinItReal21 is there a section you are interested in? You can email that editor and they will send you options to write about. Or join up next term if that works better!

  12. hmm, maybe next term will be better. This term is really being not nice to me ... except for Introduction to New Media, of course.
