Monday, January 24, 2011

The Razzies are announced!

Who hates Twilight? *raises hand* Who's really happy that the film industry hates it just as much as I do? THIS KID! Every category in the infamous Razzie awards contains at least one nomination for Twilight: Eclipse. So glad that others recognize the god-awful franchise for what it is....utter trash. Here's a link to the other nominations if you're curious!

Razzie Awards Announced!

Who do you think should be nominated???


  1. Yes the Twilight franchise is trash. But what is even worse is a franchise that started out great-- like "Meet the Parents"-- and then degenerates into vulgar stupidity (i.e. "Little Fockers").

  2. I am right there with you in hating twilight. I also agree with Macek that its sad to see a good movie be disgraced by a terrible sequel. All of the movies listed looked pretty bad, and the ones that I was unfortunate enough to see deserved to be on the list. A movie that I recently saw, and hated, was "How do you know" with Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon, and Owen Wilson. Worst movie I have seen in a while, not sure why I saw it and I highly recommend skipping it.
